As hundreds of hopefuls are gearing up for #PitchWars this
week, there has been lots of editing talk on the feed. How much is too much?
How do you know when to stop? What’s the best use of your time (hint: it’s not
#PimpMyBio)? What should you focus on first?
This year, I created a catch-all post on my blog that has
many different topics listed—everything from crafting a synopsis, to getting
rid of crutch words, to a cheerleading post encouraging you to keep on keepin’
on. But the posts I want to focus on are some of the self-editing tips I’ve included, and add a few more to the list.
While it’s true that mentors are not looking for perfection in the manuscripts that come our way, why
not give your manuscript a leg up if you can? Here’s the real truth: I’m going
to have my mentee do this homework anyway. So if it’s already done? Bonus
points for you! That means that on a MS that maybe has more
structural issues—deep edits that may take long enough to complete to make me nervous—but already has all this detail work done, I wouldn’t be hesitant to
take it on with the short two-month revision period. Not like I may if it needed deep work and
needed an editing overhaul. Make sense? You doing the work ahead of time
means we have more opportunity to get into the thick of things and focus on Big
There are so many subjective reasons for mentors (and agents
and editors) to say no. Why give them an objective
reason to do so?
So how do you do this? I have a handy checklist I go through
every time I finish a manuscript. The good news is the more you write and edit
using said checklist, the more of a habit you’ll build, and these edits will
start to come out while you’re
writing instead of after the fact.
Only my mentees have gotten this checklist, but I’m going to
share with you all because I like you and because you stopped by and checked
out my blog post. And because you’re all submitting to me anyway. Right?
Read aloud
This is a great place to listen for awkward phrasing, clunky
word choices or sentence structure, or unrealistic/stiff dialogue.
Spell check
Seems like a no brainer, but you wouldn’t believe how many
people don’t do this.
Check chapter headings for consistency
Not just in numbers (1-20+, not skipping any), but in naming
(Chapter 1, Chapter One, One, etc).
Find and cut your filter words
I have been preaching on this since I jumped on the feed
this year. Upload your MS into (you have to have Flash player
installed, I believe, so if it’s not working, try that). Your biggest words are
the ones you use the most. They’re probably back, just, then, really, quite,
etc, and your MC names. Yes, even the names need to get slashed. You probably
don’t need half of them.
Find and replace your distancing words
Doing this will give you stronger sentences which will in
turn make your MS tighter. Felt, heard, saw, noticed, thought, realized, looked
are all words that distance the reader from your MC. Find every sentence that
has them and figure out a different, more powerful way to craft that sentence
without it.
Adjective check
How many times do you classify your hero’s eyes with
something pretty and poetic? His ocean eyes. His whiskey eyes. His rainforest eyes. How about your heroine’s hair? Her mahogany hair. Her long, flowy
hair. You get my point. Mention it once, maybe twice, and then they’re just
eyes/hair/skin/whatever. I know the descriptions are pretty. But they still
need to go.
Adverb check
I’m putting this in here because some writers abuse this and
use way too many. But I’m gonna let you in on a secret: I love them and I use
them. That said, if you have fifteen on a page, you need to cull. Do a search
for –ly and find them, then make sure you can’t replace it with a stronger verb.
Redundant actions
You don’t need to say she shrugged her shoulders or he
nodded his head. She shrugged. He nodded.
Search and delete exclamation points
They’re overused and generally not even needed. Here’s a
tip: Find and replace them all with a
period. Then when you do a final read through, see what ones you need to add
back in. There probably won’t be many.
Creepily moving body parts
His hands roamed over her body. Her eyes rolled. Anchor them
to a person and reword for a stronger sentence.
There's your handy dandy self-editing checklist! Now that you have it, are you worried you don’t have enough time to get this done before
the submission window closes? I don’t believe that, unless you’re a single
parent working three jobs. (In which case, kudos to you. You’re amazing.) You
have time. Use it to deliver the strongest MS you can.
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