
Wednesday, January 6, 2016


Yes, it's happened. The rumours were true. WE HAVE LANDED!

Shield your eyes from all the dazzling beauty.

The Pitch Wars mentors are here with our very own blog, bringing you writing tips every week (probably) on pretty much every writing-related subject you can think of (possibly). From query letters to promotion, self editing to working with the professionals – we've got it covered.
It's going to be breathtaking. Heart-stopping. A thrilling ride of tips, tricks and techniques. We're being dramatic, over-the-top. No, we're not. Just watch and see the birth of true magic, not a single wand in sight.
But wait... What's that? Do we really hear you asking: What is Pitch Wars?
You're telling us you don't actually know what the best, most awesome annual writing contest is that was ever invented ever? You don't know who Brenda 'The Boss' Drake and her team of published writers, interns and editors are? These magical beings who donate a couple of months of their time and expertise to work with upcoming talented authors to hone their craft before showcasing their work to a bunch of top class, successful literary agents. Seriously? Well, in that case, you'd best click on this link and go find out...

*drums nails on desk*
Read it? Good. Now you know. Awesome, right?
So here we are. (Find out exactly who right here.) We're pumped and ready to help make you better writers. Dishing dirt and spilling secrets; who doesn't want to be a part of that?!
And just to show precisely how spiffing we really are, we're kicking things off with a few tasty giveaways!
Yeah, seriously.
All y'gotta do, is leave a comment telling us how amazing we are (really go for it, OK) and specifying which giveaway you'd like to win. Simple. And we will pick the best answers to receive the prizes. Don't like this technique? Well, consider it your first visit to the land of subjectivity. As a writer, it won't be your last. You have until our next blog goes live on January, 11th.
Here they are...
3 x query critiques
2 x first chapter critique, up to 10 pages
1 x query & first chapter (up to 4k words) critique 

1 x query & first chapter critique
1 x first 10 pages critique (preferably for an MG manuscript)
1 x query/first chapter critique

1 x copy of Hardwired by Trisha Leaver
Sparkly, right? So what are you waiting for... GO!
But seriously, thank you, all of you, for tuning in and being a part
of something special. We hope we can bring every aspiring writer
a sliver of gold to help them grow and develop their craft. This is
a tough business to be a part of; support and guidance, even a
shoulder to cry on, can get us through those sticky spots, those
emotional holes. Let us help you. Share us with your friends, tell
us what you think, and how we might have helped you, chat with
us; this will make it all worth while. (As well as buying our books
and leaving reviews, but we didn't just say that.)
Next on the Blog...The Mentors' Top Tips!

Also coming this month...Openings by Susan Gray Foster...Query Letters by Tamara Mataya...Query Letters by Natasha Raulerson...Query Letters by Molly Lee...Sun VS Snow Questions Answered by Michelle Hauck!


  1. Woohoo congrats on the first post. Love the PitchWars fam and the amazing Brenda Drake. The PW community has helped me grow already, and I can't wait for all the tips! You guys rock! <3

    *whispers* I could really use a query and first chapter critique. I hope i'm not too late.

    1. Congratulations! You have won a prize! Please email me at to collect it!

  2. Thank you so much, guys. This is super-freaking-awesome!! I can't wait for PitchWars this year. A few more insider tips will definitely help on the way.

    Let me just say - and not just to flatter you (Nooo!) or to win those insanely cool giveaways (so cool, actually, that my heart flips over just thinking about them) - that you guys are truly, utterly and altogether A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!!!! Was that too much? No, I don't think so...

    I could really use a first chapter and query critique. But honestly, this blog already feels like jackpot. Okay, now that was too much.. ;) Lots of love!!

  3. I've been checking the blog page every day and at last someone sprinkled the fairy dust to make the magical words appear. This is the best thing to hit the writing community. Your awesomeness will go down in history as the creative genius to think up such an insanely cool blog. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Hugs to ALL involved.
    P.S. If I had to pick just one I'd choose 2 x first chapter critique (up to ten pages).

    1. REACH ME @StephaineWard(twitter) Google account didn't register on my new phone.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. May my unknown status be known now.

    4. Congratulations! You have won a prize! Email me at to collect it!

  4. The first reaction I had was...WHOA!!!
    Because Pitch War is an amazing opportunity for any unpublished writer like me. I'll be participating this year. If I want anything out of the giveaways I'd want 1 x query & first chapter critique.
    Best of luck, guys, in running this awesome blog.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Sorry about that! Commented from my work profile! ;)

  6. Oh yay! This is so exciting! I am so grateful to the PW community for helping me with my MS and I think all of the mentors are awesome! Seriously, you guys deserve sparkly unicorns to ride around town on! Thanks so much for all you do to support other writers!
    For the giveaway, I'd love the query and 1st chapter critique. You guys are awesome! Happy blogging!

  7. as soon as I saw this on Twitter, I clicked the link so hard my mouse almost broke lol - this is seriously awesome! You are all AMAZING for doing this!

    This is, as all writers know, a very subjective industry, and sometimes, it feels almost impossible to be seen (or would that be read?) among all the other queries sent off into the endless abyss of slush piles, never knowing if you get a rejection because of a query (or synopsis, first pages, etc.) so this is something that's EXTREMELY appreciated, and that's why you all rock our socks!

    If I were to win, I'd love the 3 x query critiques since I often need some back and forth (now to pick which query lol)

    I look forward to checking this blog often - good luck to everyone leaving comments here! ^_^

  8. PitchWars in and of itself is awesome. Through it and a few other contests I have connected with some wonderful CP’s and friends (the writing community is beyond generous!!!) And now there’s a blog by some of the amazing writers who donate their time come PitchWars, but they are now going to help writer’s year round--umm--I may be at a loss for words. I can only say that which could not possibly be said enough. THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU! You are all so wonderful, and wish you the very best with your own writing. THANK YOU!

    And I would be honored to win any of the wonderful critiques, but if I had to pick one, I would say 1 x first 10 pages critique (preferably for an MG manuscript)

    And did I say, THANK YOU!

  9. Where to begin on describing the amazing roller coaster ride that is Pitch Wars: you spend your time in line, biting your nails and debating whether to throw up now or later. Then you strap in and want to scream because IT’S REALLY HAPPENING. You get to the ride itself – full speed ahead, ups and downs, right-side up and up-side down, the emotional turmoil… and the ride ends. The only thing you can do is throw your hands up and scream “I DID IT!” And then bow down to the helping hands/mentors who got you through the ride.

    But you can go on social media and rave about how it was one of the best times of your life. Which is what I will do endlessly whenever I hear someone talk about wanting to take their manuscript to the next level. I was lucky enough to have two mentors who I adore, and can’t wait to gush about them to 2016’s crop of mentees.

    If I could be gifted with any of these awesome giveaways, I’d love the 1x query & first chapter (up to 4k words) critique.

    Much love!
    Lisa :)

  10. Fabulous! I love that there's a new repository for all the great mentorly goodness you guys spread. It's so easy to lose it in the Twitter feed, and your wisdom deserves to be accessible!

    I may not have been chosen for PW, but I learned a lot and was greatly encouraged. This is a fantastic 'family' of people to be a part of. VIVA!

    And I, too, would love a query + chapter crit. Or anything on that list. Can I say anything? Imma sneak in when nobody else is looking... *shifty eyes*

    1. Congratulations, you have won a prize! Please email me at to collect it.

  11. I entered PitchWars twice (same story, different versions) and didn't get in, but the best part was what I got in return. The feedback from the mentors I submitted to was priceless, enough to give me confidence in my ability and strive to make it even better! And the friendships I formed with some of them is equally wonderful. I also made some incredible connections with other PitchWars writers who've gone on to become CPs, beta readers, friends...

    So, yeah, you guys are awesome. And I love this blog being out there!

    As for a preference, I'll have a new query I'd love to have looked at in near future, so the 3x query would be great, but if this is more of a right-away thing, then I think I would like Trisha's book.

    1. Congratulations, you have won a prize! Please email me at to collect it.

  12. Epic! This is fantastic and I can't wait for the valuable information you guys are going to post on this blog!

  13. *rolls through and snugs you all* Kate Foster & Veronica Bartles are pretty damn awesome for getting this all to come together! I can't wait to get to know you guys better! Happy Wednesday!

  14. Big thanks to the mentors who organized the blog! I'm looking forward to reading (and later on, contributing!)

  15. O frabjous day! Callooh! Callay!

    A 2x first chapter critique for FREE from peeps who know what they are talking about is just about the best way to start 2016, (outside of an actual make-out session with Ragnar Lothbrok, amiright, ladies? You know I'm right.)

    Thanks a thousand times for being willing to share the knowledge with fiction novices like me. I'm crossing my fingers that I'll be selected. My 8-year-old son read my first chapter and said it's trash, so I'm hoping that someone more credible (less of an asshole) thinks it's better. And if not better, then salvageable at the very least.

    Truly yours -

  16. Who knew such wonderful things awaited me this morning! I love, love, love the baby gif at the top of thefts. That made me laugh. I love pitch wars and plan to throw my, er--book in the ring this year! I would be humbly grateful to receive the 1 x query & first chapter (up to 4k words) critique if Lady Luck decides to shine her light on me!

  17. Whoop! Whoop! Pitch Wars blog! Amazing!
    What a brilliant idea.
    This is such a lovely writing community that people on the outside don't really understand.
    I have found it incredibly supportive and encouraging. Advice, feedback and relationships built have helped me to continue doing what I love through the busyness of life, when I could use the excuse of not having enough time. I make time for writing and my soul is better for it.
    A query critique? Yes please!
    Looking forward to more posts to come

    1. Congratulations, you have won a prize! Please email me at to collect it.

  18. Whoa. In the beginning there was Pitch Wars. And now you're here to help us the rest of the year too! I'm inspired by the helpfulness of everyone in the writing industry. Every time I meet another writer, whether in person or online, they always have tips to share. I hope that one day (dreaming here) I'll be able to help someone else along with their journey. A query critique would be amazing if you pick me. *Doing the Jedi hand trick* "pick me" "pick me"

  19. I think you guys are awesome for volunteering your time to help make sure that the world has fantastic books to read in the years to come. I've only participated in one pitch contest and though I was not selected for the final round of the competition, the whole experience was a lot of fun and I met a bunch of neat new people via Twitter. I look forward to this one being an even better experience after the great advice I received previously. . If I were lucky enough to win a prize, the query critique and first 10 pages For MG would be most helpful. Thanks!

  20. This blog is a gift from all the Internet Gods. I feel I should leave an offering but the stomach bug has clawed its way into the littles and all the devotions I can leave are saltines and pedialyte pops (cherry!). Thank you for your wisdom and generosity. A query and first chapter critique would be amazing. More so if taking place IRL at my old home on Kauai, with pina coladas (working on it). @sam_aye_ahm (Twitter)

  21. Thanks for the blog! I love having access to tips and tricks for writing, its the one thing that has helped me get as far as I have on my wip. I didn't make it in time for last years' contest but I do hope to be a part of it this year. The one thing I could really use is a first chapter critique, I'm writing a slice of life story and I'm concerned about holding the readers's interest and making them care enough about my character's life to turn the pages. It would be wonderful to have someone look over my first couple of chapters and tell me if they care or not lol. Either way, thanks for taking the time to lend us your expertise, it means more than you could know.

  22. Thank you for the blog! Pitchwars has not only given me the chance to speak with the mentors about their writing life, but also gave me the chance to find CP's and chat with other writers on twitter. THE WRITING COMMUNITY IS HUGE! The mentors are all really nice and full of awesome! I'm hoping for good publishing news from the mentors soon!

    Thank you mentors for taking the time out of your busy schedules to give us your fabulous expertise!

  23. Congratulations and thank you so much for doing this (the tips you intend to post, not just the giveaways;) ). Every little bit helps.

    I'd be more than happy and indebted if I could get the first chapter critique (the one before the end, labeled "1 x query/first chapter critique". My first chapter is bigger than 4k words you see).

    May the muse never leave your side, dear mentors :)

  24. Thank you. For everything. As someone who laps up the #AmWriting tips and blogposts on Twitter (I need all the help I can get lol!), I can't tell you how grateful I am to you guys getting together and doing this for all those like me who could use some help. PitchWars unexpectedly widened my writing community in such a positive & productive way, and for that I can never thank you guys enough. A thousand thank yous. *Bows*. I would absolutely LOVE some help on my query, and so am interested in one of the 3 query critiques on offer, please. Thank you to Brenda and ALL the PitchWars mentors. The contest alone helps so much, so to follow it up with this is simply fantastic. You guys seriously rock :-) xx Good luck to all who've entered – looking forward to making new friends! :)
    London Skye

    1. Congratulations, you have won a prize! Please email me at to collect it.

  25. Alright, so lemme lay a little fire on this. I've been writing for the entirety of my adult life, since I hit high school onward. But the vast, vast majority of it was unusable junk and not worth the time spent writing it. However, all of that was practice. Important practice that has left me with the skills necessary to write. The motivation to do something worth publishing has come and gone over the years, and it wasn't until after college that I decided I needed to try. And I tried. Oh, how I tried.

    It wasn't until I started getting serious about my current piece that anything stuck, but I floundered and flailed, until I started following authors and literary agents on Twitter. And when I did that, I found the hashtags leading me to Pitch Wars and Pitch Madness, both of which I fully intend to submit to this year. I've been down and I've been up, but I can say that without NaNoWriMo and the fine folks I followed on Twitter, I wouldn't be working on editing the second draft of my manuscript. And the motivation has pretty much come from the idea that someday soon, I'd be able to get involved with the cool, exciting stuff going on under those two hashtags. Pitch Wars and Pitch Madness are both such cool ideas, and so encouraging to those of us still trying to even get into the trenches. And as for the people actually DOING it, and offering your time, energy and mental output? What a cool, positive group of people you all are, who encourage, who cheerlead, and offer the best blog posts and links to us struggling someday-authors! Thank you for everything you all do, and I hope that you guys get what a great volunteer service you're offering to us! It's not just invaluable, it's inspiring.

    I don't really care what particular prize I get if I get anything, aside from pretty well wanting the first chapter critique more than any query help. I'm not even that far yet, and am not sure how long it'll be before I get there. But mostly... Thank you all! I look forward to alla your blogposts.

  26. I'm not sticking my hand up for any of the prizes on offer, as I think I have already benefited more than is my far share from the generosity of some of the mentors on here (like to call you out, ladies, but you know who you are x0x).
    But I did want to duck by and say how absolutely god-slapping (yeah, gob-smacking, I know, but my kid coined that phrase years ago, and I reckon it's a keeper!)-ly amazing it is that you will sacrifice your own time to build this community and give other writers such invaluable advice. And support. Let's not forget the support. Just knowing we're not alone means so much. I have so much love and respect for the philanthropy you display in doing this.

    When there's a zombie apocalypse, I want all you guys on my team!

    Now to find a teenage-creature who can show me how to pin this site to my start page....

  27. I can't think of anything better than my #pitchwars mentor Twitter list than this here Pitchwars mentor blog! Looking forward to all the helpful posts from you extremely generous mentors! Thank you.

  28. Wow, this is so exciting. I have been following Pitchwars all through last year and have learned so many new mentors and mentees to follow through Twitter and blogs. I love this blog idea and I love how positive this whole community is.

    I would love to win anything on your list! Who wouldn't?

    How do you all feel about science fiction? I hear it is in at the moment... Ha kidding, I know it is in. And strong female leads at last!
    Yay Star Wars, Jessica Jones and have you seen Dark Matter?

    Anyway, keep on keeping on! As a follower and writer I am enjoying every thing you do!

    Laurie @laurienotlori

  29. This comment has been removed by the author.

  30. Obviously, this will be a priceless resource for all writers in any stage. So, thank you all for starting this and devoting your time, efforts, experience, etc. Writers learn from writers! Thanks for sharing the love!!

    Finding PitchWars has been a blessing in my life. When I subbed my MS in 2015, I was sure I was ready. What a joke! But I was honest with myself in the fact that it sucked.

    Through the grueling process of not giving up, I met the most amazing community of writers ever. I have since overhauled my MS, killed darlings, switched POVs twice and found beautiful CPs. My writing journey has a long road ahead, but that's part of the fun, right?

    Thanks for starting this website! (PS - I'd love a query crit., please and thank you!) My Twitter is @jacymerrill

    1. Congratulations, you have won a prize! Please email me at to collect it.

  31. I am over-the-moon excited for this blog! The effort is much appreciated and utilized, for sure.

    And giveaways, even! Thank you so much! I would *love* 1 x first 10 pages critique (preferably for an MG manuscript) because I have a lovely MG manuscript I have poured my efforts into.

    Thank you!

    1. Congratulations, you have won a prize! Please email me at to collect it.

  32. I approached Twitter weeks before Pitch Wars with the idea that publishing is harsh on writers. Getting an agent is a hellish lottery. Getting acclaim a level of fat chance past that. Make a living? Try asking your fairy godmother. So much as trying pushes determination into the realms of denial.

    Then, there I was. Post-Pitch Wars. Mentorless. Left sitting on the sidelines of Twitter with a ticket that turned out to be fool's gold and a view of the Chosen Ones in all their glimmering glee. My idea of publishing was totally right.

    Or was it?

    I could've felt that way. Easily. The mentors had no obligation to me. Like agents reading queries, they could've left me in the slush and moved on with their favorites.

    Instead, I got emails of encouragement and advice. The flurry of tweets turned to broadcasting the homework they gave their mentees. Heard of beat sheets? Have a link! Stilted dialogue? Try this! Now a combo Twitter account AND a blog. With query critique giveaways! (Hint hint!)

    Because we're all here for the same reason. We love books. We love stories. We love sentences that spark and sizzle. And we love the people who create them--each other. Every one of the mentors decided that was more important than having extra alone time with their keyboards. You knew we needed the encouragement and advice because you used to be here, where we are, looking in.

    I'm still outside looking in, but not in the cold and snow. Pitch Wars mentors built me a porch to sit in while I wait.

    Thank you, guys.

    ~ Lucia

    {P.S. I tried posting this with my wordpress that has my actual name on it, but blogger spit it out. Cheating with a signature instead.}

  33. Hm. I'd say a first 10 page critique of an MG manuscript or a query/chapter would be groovy. I have a couple... well, I have a few... mm, I have a bunch of scenes I need to sleep on first. I find sleeping on scenes helps me come up with better solutions. Though I'm not sure the scenes appreciate the squooshing. *chuckle* hahaha *snort*

  34. Things sure have changed in the 30 years since I wrote my last novel. Thanks for much for this awesome blog and the chance to pay it forward. This is an amazing happenstance for me.

    I could really use two first chapter reviews, if anyone is interested. Thanks!

  35. Holy WOW. I have sat and stalked--I mean, watched (heh, heh) so many talented writers tweet their incredible, 140 character pitches. I hope to be ready to play this year (and by play, I mean panic). Thank you for creating such a valuable resource in this site! I wish you all massive, magical success and can't wait to see what's in store!
    Thank you for the giveaway opportunity and since my story is still a WIP, I would love to choose the chance at a first chapter, 10 page critique. Thank you!!

  36. Holy WOW. I have sat and stalked--I mean, watched (heh, heh) so many talented writers tweet their incredible, 140 character pitches. I hope to be ready to play this year (and by play, I mean panic). Thank you for creating such a valuable resource in this site! I wish you all massive, magical success and can't wait to see what's in store!
    Thank you for the giveaway opportunity and since my story is still a WIP, I would love to choose the chance at a first chapter, 10 page critique. Thank you!!

  37. Excellent idea! Thanks for taking the time out and contributing even more to the writing community. I look forward to reading your informative posts!

  38. I should be sleeping. It's 5am and the sunless sky is laughing at me but I'm wide awake and excited to see the PitchWars Mentor blog. You guys are an iv drip to a writer's dehydrated soul. It was such a pick-me-up entering this year and getting such great feedback. It really helped me revise (and that's coming from someone who didn't even get in) and get 8 full requests due to the feedback. My daughter and I tore our ms apart and then bam. Can't wait to enter my new ms and I'm stoked y'all have a blog now. Would love the 1 x query and first chapter critique. I'd say now time to go back to sleep, but I am too excite!

    1. Oh this is Cassandra (typing from my phone where I guess elusion is my profile :) )

    2. Congratulations, you have won a prize! Please email me at to collect it.

  39. Well, this is exciting :) Congrats and Happy New Year! Pitch Wars was some of the most fun I had last year. I did get some great feedback on my query from some of you already, and it seems to be working as I had a couple of full requests, but I would not mind getting some feedback on 10 pages of my new WIP.

  40. Wow, this is great! You all are awesome. I love how you all give back to the writing community.

    I'd love to win a query and first chapter critique!

  41. You all are the LeBron James of mentoring. Seriously! If mentoring was an Olympic sport, you all would win a gold medal every time in best tips, tricks and techniques for aspiring writers, career development AND best looking mentors ever....which brings me to the reason why I am here: to win a first chapter critique of my YA novel.

  42. This comment has been removed by the author.

  43. Eek! Regardless if I'm selected to win or not, this is going to be a fantastic resource for me and other writers! I owe so much to Pitch Wars. It has helped me find my critique partners, branch out in the writing community to meet so many amazingly awesome supportive writers both published and unpublished, and it has led me to grow in my skills thanks to piles of feedback from those who did not owe me a thing but wanted to help anyways! You all have been so great! I'm so excited that there's now going to be a specific blog where you can release all of your wonderful mentor magic on us! Which is basically fairy dust or the sorcerers stone, I mean come on! I'd love to win the query & first chapter critique! Thank you so much guys!

    My google account isn't showing for some reason so my contact info: I'm Angela over at @freepaperclips on twitter!!

    Can't wait to see what's coming on the blog! :)

    1. Congratulations, you have won a prize! Please email me at to collect it.

  44. You lot are so good to us! I've had a bit of help from mentors even though I didn't get through and your hard work is really appreciated. I'd love a first chapter critique. Looking forward to following this blog. Thanks.

  45. A most fabulous & generous idea. Thank you to all of you! I'd love to win a query and first chapter critique.

  46. This comment has been removed by the author.

  47. This is such a great idea! I'm looking forward to reading the posts! I know it's going to be extremely helpful. Thanks so much. You are all so amazing!
    I'd love to win a query and first chapter critique!

  48. Hey guys! I'm new to the Pitch Wars scene, but I think y'all are a spiffy group of awesome people and I love your willingness to help other writers! It's inspiring and makes me really want to get ingrained in this community!

    I'd love to win the first giveaway (3x query critique) or, if you're feeling generous, a query and first chapter critique.

    Thanks a bunch for all that you do! You rock ��

  49. Like when Daniel-san is collapsed on the ground, they swept the leg, and he's all writhing and moaning and shit. And Mr. Miyagi slaps his hands together and the ominous music starts and what he does with all that friction, hard to say. But it works. Enough, anyway. And no one can believe it, but there's Daniel-san, hobbling his way back to the ring. And right before that frenzied, fever-pitch kick taking out the bully AND his bangs, there's that look. Daniel-san at Mr. Miyagi. And the tiniest of nods. Miyagi to Daniel-san. The self-doubt and the fear get pushed away. He can do it. And our hearts explode and the tears run down our cheeks and we clutch each other, saying we knew it, we knew it all along, but really, we didn't. We only hoped.

    Not Mr. Miyagi, though. He gets that smile, the barest of smiles. Pride and joy and contentment. Daniel-san did what Miyagi knew he could do. He was the mentor, after all. He knew it all along.

    Thanks for being the Miyagi to our Daniel-san. I'd love a query and first chapter critique. Anything works, though.

  50. You guys are the best and I'd love to win a book!

  51. Once upon a time there was a little ol' country doc who loved to write. In between delivering screaming babies, dodging toddler snot, and repeating the same information to demented elderly patients, she kept on writing. Doesn't matter how many years of experience anyone has -- in medicine or in writing -- there's always room for new perspectives and improvement. Which is why she's leaving the Mentors this note, and hopes to win a query and chapter critique from those who have gone before her!

  52. I think I just saw the clouds part and got a glimpse of heaven! OMG, I'm so excited for this site! I'm fangirling so hard I may need to step away from the computer and just breath! Congratulations on being, like, THE coolest EVER!

  53. Pitchwars was great fun, and I'm sure this blog will be equally awesome. I would be interested in winning the 1 x query/first chapter critique.

  54. I stumbled upon Pitchwars 2015 about a month before it began and it changed my life. Suddenly, this stay at home mom who wrote alone in her own little bubble discovered a writing community full of selfless authors, new friends in all stages of writing, and a renewed spark for my love of writing. Thank you for all you do!

    I'd love to win the 1 x first 10 pages critique (preferably for an MG manuscript)

    1. Congratulations, you have won a prize! Please email me at to collect it.

  55. One of the things I enjoyed most about PitchWars this past fall was following the full list of 2015 PitchWars mentors on Twitter. I found so many new writers to follow, outside my age group / genre category. All of the mentors were tweeting such thoughtful, encouraging, and useful advice throughout the contest. I can't wait to see what happens when they have more than 140 characters to work with!

    I don't really need one of the prizes, I just wanted to let you all know that you rock and your advice and encouragement helps keep me motivated on days when it feels like I have no idea what I'm doing and everything I write is terrible. It's so helpful to see others going through the same process and finding success. Thanks for all you do! And, if I had to pick a prize it would be one of the first chapter critiques, because I know I'm not ready to query yet. :)

  56. You guyssssss! This is spectacular news. I'm loving the idea of seeing into Pitchwars mentors' minds and what they recommended for their mentees and for upcoming new writers' queries and pages. We can get an insider's voice! Win win for all.

    Thrilled. I would fire off some snowballs for the first 10 pages critique (preferably for an MG manuscript) win. (Weather permitting)
